Last week in my exhibition in the small gallery situated in Punavuori district just close to Helsinki city center. The theme is Eyes on the Horse. Not realistic portraits, more emotions, feelings and happenings. Something to think about.
A horse lives by its instincts. Its mood shows in its expression, genuinely, signaling to other horses, and its surroundings. Also to humans if one knows how to read the messages. The emotional state shows. On the contrary, a human strives to control the external references to the internal state depending on the situation. When you turn your gaze to a horse you can see yourself. A poet once said we all have our own horse.
I have set to see sculptures and graphics. In my work I describe emotion and communication, based on my own shared experiences with a horse. In a horse, nature is both so close, and so far away, nowadays.
Material of the sculptures are bronze (Quo Vadis, Moon Whisper and Veni, Vidi, Vici!), concrete patinated using tempera (Boss, Prologue) and also full-tinted plaster (Farewell Meal). All graphics are unique monotypes pressed using one or two plates.